Outstanding news

Say ‘No’ to police violence against Roma people

We already wrote about the importance of this debate in our press release on November 8th. You can read it here. Today we recall it...

The committee of gypsy activists ‘Romanistan’ organizes a large celebration to commemorate the 50th...

On April 8, 2021, they ask all citizens to join their celebration to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the First Romani World Congress. On...

In 1971 the «Iron Curtain» and the «Berlin Wall» seemed impregnable walls

You can hear this message in the voice of Juan de Dios Ramírez-Heredia https://youtu.be/B4jMs07MmGE On April 8, the Romani people go to the riverbanks to throw...

Golden Dawn: throw them all in jail!

The Greek courts have at last made a momentous decision: to jail Nikolaos Michaloliakos, alongside his Nazi-fascist gang. This political party has brought the...


El final de El Gallinero tiene fecha

Esta vez sí. El Gallinero, el asentamiento más mísero de la capital en donde malviven en precarias condiciones desde hace unos dieciséis años gitanos...

Gobierno y comunidad gitana crean un grupo de trabajo para diseñar...

El Gobierno de La Rioja y las asociaciones que representan al pueblo gitano en La Rioja han decidido “iniciar una nueva etapa” con el...


Slovak census: more than 156,000 people declared to belong to Roma...

Slovakia is a small country of five and a half million inhabitants. Its history shows us the strengthens of its people. Years after the Austro-Hungarian...

Golden Dawn: throw them all in jail!

The Greek courts have at last made a momentous decision: to jail Nikolaos Michaloliakos, alongside his Nazi-fascist gang. This political party has brought the...

Goodbye, Salvini


Juan de Dios Ramírez-Heredia sends a message to rromà women on...

Unión Romaní’s president, Juan de Dios Ramírez-Heredia, has wanted to record a message of support for rromà women to commemorate the upcoming International Women’s...

Letter to the President of the Italian Republic

Barcelona, August 15, 2018 EGREGIOUS MR SERGIO MATTARELLA President of the Italian Republic Palazzo Quirinale ROMA MR PRESIDENT, The Spanish rromá, and with them all the Italian rromá and rromniá, as...

Download the Romani Union 2020 Memory

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Investiture of Juan de Dios Ramírez-Heredia as Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Cádiz

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